European Wine Ambassadors
Country: Italy

Unione Consorzi Vini Veneti – U.VI.VE. – was created thirty years ago and involving almost all of the region’s Consorzi di Tutela (wine protection consortia).

The U.VI.VE.’s main role is to represent the Veneto’s DOC wine sector; through the consortia it coordinates the crucial monitoring and control activities of the production and marketing of Veneto DOC and DOCG wines, also with the aim of combating fraud and abuse affecting designations of origin and consortium brands.

The U.VI.VE. is also the “ambassador” for Veneto wines in the world and coordinator and organiser, in Italy and abroad, of joint initiatives for the diffusion and promotion of the image of Veneto DOC and D.O.C.G. wines.


The sea and Venice, together with the mountains, the Dolomites, Lake Garda, the great rivers from the Piave to the Po, the green, rolling hills and the distant horizons of the plains, the cities of art and the small hamlets, local specialities and a wonderful food and wine tradition. A treasure trove in the heart of Europe: the Veneto, a rich, fertile land where tradition and modernity live side by side, a region famed well beyond the national boundaries for its expressions in spheres ranging from architecture to wine. For centuries vineyards have covered and embellished the Veneto countryside, producing world-famed quality wines.

A diversity expressed in unique microclimates like the one just a few hundred metres from the banks of Lake Garda and in the Valdobbiadene hills, volcanic soils in the Colli Euganei and alluvial soils in the eastern Veneto. The highly varied climatic conditions and landscape are the secret to the surprising variety of wines offered by this Veneto whose long experience of the leading oenological practices has resulted in such unique products as Amarone, Prosecco and Recioto, to mention just a few. Its natural winemaking vocation combined with a consolidated tradition refined over the centuries has earned the Veneto a host of successes and international accolades writing the history of that great vineyard known as the Veneto


A vineyard covering almost 80,000 hectares, producing almost 8.5 million hectolitres of wine, 4 million of which from DOC and DOCG areas. Today there are 21 Consortia serving 24 denominations, ensuring that the characteristics and production techniques to which Veneto wines owe their success are respected.

In the European Wine Ambassador Campaign, you will be able to taste the wine from some of this D.O.C and D.O.C.G:

    Arcole D.O.C
    Asolo Montello D.O.C.
    Bagnoli D.O.C.
    Bardolino D.O.C.
    PDO Samos
    Colli Berici e Vicenza D.O.C.
    Colli di Conegliano D.O.C.G.
    Colli Euganei D.O.C.
    Conegliano Valdobbiadene
    Corti Benedettine D.O.C.
    Custoza D.O.C.
    Gambellara D.O.C.
    Garda D.O.C.
    Lessini Durello D.O.C
    Lugana D.O.C.
    Merlara D.O.C.
    Prosecco D.O.C.
    Soave e Recioto di Soave D.O.C.
    Terradeiforti - Valdadige D.O.C.
    Valpolicella D.O.C.
    Vini Venezia D.O.C.


Glera is a white variety grape characterized by large berries greenish-yellow in color, high yield, floral and fruity aromas and predominantly used for the production of Prosecco DOC and DOCG


The Garganega is the primary white grape of western Veneto. It is a variety of white Italian wine grape widely grown in the Veneto region of North East Italy, particularly in the provinces of Verona and Vicenza.

It forms the basis of Venetian white wine Soave and is a significant portion of the blend used to make Gambellara.

Pinot Grigio

The name "Grigio" means "gray" in Italian, referring to the gray-pink hue of the grape berries. This grape variety is characterized by its versatility and its ability to reflect the subtle nuances of its terroir, thus offering a palette of flavors ranging from citrus to white-fleshed fruits, including mineral notes. 


Corvina, also known as corvina Veronese, is a thick-skinned grape known for its small berries, tightly packed together, and high yields. A finicky grape that must be aggressively pruned, it is high in acidity and low in tannins. Bardolino, Chiaretto di Bardolino, Valpolicella, and Amarone della Valpolicella are all red wines produced by blending corvina with local grapes including rondinella, corvinone, and molinara.